Two Nigerian sisters, Chioma and Oluchi Ogwuegbu, have embarked on a journey to visit different countries in Africa. They started at the end of last year and have so far visited eleven out of their planned twenty-two countries. The sisters are attempting to shape the often negative view of Africa, to a more positive perception by documenting their journey on their website CelebrateAfrica.net. The sisters say that even the people living in Africa only see bad and that in the media there is never much positive news about Africa which is increasing the world's negative views-which they want to change. In the article the girls say that it's many young Africa's desire to leave Africa but the sisters are trying to show them and the rest of the continent about the good that "[they] have here". But, the sisters do stress that they are not saying Africa is perfect, but are simply trying to encourage and establish "hope and potential" so the countries are not just seen as a "Dark Continent" anymore.
The article relates to what we have learned in class by displaying the affects of propaganda on not only outside sources but on the inside as well. I think that the outside world already has a firmly established view of Africa as only a place of turmoil, but these sisters are trying to show that there is a whole lot more to Africa. I also think that the article depicts some social movements. By the girls reaching out and making an effort to change the public view of Africa it can start a trend and perhaps if hope and encouragement becomes alive in Africa then Africa will start making positive changes.
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